My cousin posted some amazing old photos on Facebook of my paternal grandparents at their lake cottage in what looks like the late 60's to early 70's and even 80's. My parents (when they were in their early 20's) were in a lot of the photos too.
I love looking at old family photos before my time. I don't watch Mad Men (yet! Season 1 is waiting for me in my Netflix queue), but doesn't this photo look like it's straight out of the series - well, when they are on 'vacation' anyways? That's my grandfather on the left lounging in the chair with the awesome socks.

And the clothes! My grandmother was so beautiful - this dress may be over the top, but I love it! The colors! I would love a dress in that pattern.

And here's another - my grandmother is on the left... check out that dress. And how cute is her turquoise basket purse? And my mom is on the right in the pink. Why didn't they save their clothes so I could be wearing them now? Maybe I should save all of my clothes for my granddaughter to wear when she's my age.
oh my gosh, I love them! This makes me want to run home and dig through my families old photos!
Awww...old family photos are awesome. It's crazy how the styles keep coming back in one form or another so many years later. That floral dress your grandmother is wearing would make a fabulous bold floral skirt. :)
I love vintage photos and vintage looking photos. If I could get my pictures I take to look like that I totally would! I need to invest in photoshop!
What great family pics. I love looking at pics of my mom when she was in age and younger - she was quite the fashionista back then.
Isn't weird to sometimes see family members that you know of in one way appear totally different in their old pics? Like, my mom was ... cool?
How much fun!! Can we please discuss the sunglasses the woman has on in the first picture? She's on the far right. Fabulous!!!
These are such fantastic pictures! I agree with Miss Chelsea - these make me want to flip through old photos.
Great pictures! I love your grandmother's navy dress.
I can spend hours looking at old family photos, it's so much fun!
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