...I must be now. You should have seen me...sweating, stomach hurting, anxious...my finger on my mouse button, my mouse pointer on the browser refresh button, my browser on Rue La La... my eyes staring, not blinking, at the clock on the bottom of my computer. 10:59 AM. "Come on...come on...come on..."
Lily Pulitzer on Rue La La today.
11:00 AM.
Refresh..... nothing. Refresh.... nothing.
Refresh........ still nothing. "Come on!"
Refresh.......... Lily Pulitzer Boutique - open.
Click on Lily image, click 'View All', scroll down and find my goal.. this beauty...

Click dress. Click size. Click 'Quick Buy Now'. Move mouse pointer with speed and dexterity to 'Purchase'... Click...........................
"We're sorry this item has sold out". Seconds people, seconds. Seriously. "Waaaaah!"
No time to sulk! Must. buy. other. dresses.
Click. Buy. Click. Buy. Click. Buy. Click. Buy.
I took on Rue La La's Lily Pulitzer sale like someone who was buying for her life. I also took it on like I evidently have a bazillion dollars...which is anything but...sigh.
Here's my treasure trove of Lily I luckily snagged today.... thoughts?

And maybe I have immature taste, but I really wanted some of the little girl styles... how cute are these dresses and skirts?? A 20-something could totally pull these looks off, right? right? Oh well... it's not like I hovered over the largest size of one with my mouse, almost convincing myself I was petite enough to squeeze into it {eyes dart to right with look of guilt}.

Did anyone else shop the Lily sale on Rue La La? What did you get? Did you get the dress I originally wanted and now you want to give it to me out of the kindness of your heart? ;)
You go girl! You killed it! That peacock dress is to die for!!!
I am obsessed with that peacock dress! I'm determined to find it on Ebay.
I sooooo almost got the tank top too! I was all set and ready to go with that and another long sleeve dress and I accidentally hit "remove" and all were gone. When I went back they were sold out in my size. I could have cried. :(
crazy how fast it sold out!! But what you got was so cute, especially the last dress. And I always admire the little girls outfits as well, even at J.Crew or Ralph Lauren.
I did the same thing!! Missed out on some fabulous dresses (who moves that fast???), and coveted some of the little girls things as well. I only ended up with a pair of pants. Apparently I am too slow for RueLaLa Lilly sales :(
I was hating that I had class all day! And no breaks unil noon so by the time I got on- the items I wanted were all sold out! Guess I will try again next time since I do have some time before the wedding!
I am soooo jealous you were able to get that beautiful peacock dress. Your post is absolutely IDENTICAL to what happened to me, except I only bought the cedar printed tank. If only I was a size 4, then we could share that lovely dress!
I was on it as soon as it opened and half the stuff I clicked on was already sold out. I put 4 things in my bag and by the time I checked out I was down to 2. I guess it was God's way of telling me I didn't need to buy that much Lilly. :-D
dang that dress was sexy! but I love that peacock dress!
I am proud of your bargains today! (I am hoping they were bargains!) I AM SOOOOO P'D off that I wasnt notified of the Lilly sale in todays boutqiue!! ANd I get their emails!!??? What is up with THAT? haha I am with everyone else, my favs are the peacock dress AND I am in love with the first tank top you got!! Ok Now, I MUST sulk on me losing out ; (
OMG I did the EXACT same thing today with the EXACT same dress you wanted! haha! And much to my dismay..it had sadly "sold out" on me as well when I went to "buy". Love that peacock dress you got - so adorable! In my scrambling efforts I got the keating silk patchwork dress that has lots of orange.
Love love love all of the things you picked up! I am with you on the childrens clothing! They always seem to have the cutest stuff for kids so I say buy it!
Looks like you got a lot of great purchases! I agree with you, I wanted all of the kid's clothes! I was trying to figure out if I could possibly squeeze into some of it!
Hey Matilda Jane! haha
To answer your question about how I did it!
I did Weight Watchers and basically wrote down everything I ate (which is what Carrie Underwood says works for her so well, and it does, you just stay AWARE of everything your're eating) and I did cardio, cardio, cardio...I ran and walked my butt off...and ate a extremely light dinner ALWAYS.
AND I always drank diet pop and water....cut back on the chocolate and all the sweets and no fried food....it was really the cardio and following weight watchers and being extra hard on myself...I lost 20lbs!! Maybe a little more.
Great purchases!! I love the peacock dress!!
I wanted the same dress, but because I decided to snag the hot pink cardigan first, it was sold out by the time I clicked on it. Soo frustrating. That paisley shift dress that you got is completely baller, though.
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