My sister just uploaded some more photos to Facebook, so I had to share... the first one is actually from my wedding dress shopping weekend, but my niece is wearing an "
My aunt is the best" I had to share. :)

The others are better photos of my niece's baptism dress made out of my mother's wedding dress. It's neat to think one day one of my own children will wear this when they get baptized...
Posted photo again so you could see reference:
My mom and my grandfather on her wedding day.

Much better photo of me and my niece.
That is a beautiful christening gown. and the bonnet is just too cute. Beyond beautiful and it's obviously very special. I love sentimental things like that! My grandmother had her picture taken in a dress when she was a little over a year old and then she save the dress and had my moms picture taken in it then my mom had mine and my sisters. my sister was very long and it barely covered her hiney.
precious pictures :)
SO sweet!
what a nice idea!
love your blog, following you now :)
Your mom was such a pretty bride. I love the bonnet they made for you niece too!
These are absolutely adorable!
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