Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday Fancies: My BHLDN wedding dress...

Today I decided to participate in a blog link up from Long Distance Loving - Friday Fancies. "Dream Big. Let your imagination fly!"

Earlier this week I posted a sneak preview I found for Anthropologie's new wedding line, BHLDN. I know I sound like a broken record, but I cannot wait until Monday's unveiling of the BHLDN collection.

Several bloggers I follow - both Anthro and Wedding - were flown by Anthro to preview the new several 'sneak peeks' of BHLDN were all over the blogosphere the past couple of days.

And I am madly, truly, deeply in love with this dress...

However, it's not quite appropriate for my formal, evening winter wedding - being short and all.

So I immediately think... can I pull this off for my rehearsal dinner? My...casual rehearsal dinner? {shoulders slump} Probably not. wedding dress will need to be white to match my mother's veil I'm wearing. This 'nude' color would probably blend in with my skin anyways...nobody wants a naked, lacey bride...sigh.

If only Anthropologie could offer a longer version with a fuller skirt...and in white. honor of Friday Fancies... I'm dreaming big...and letting my imagination fly...and channeling that energy into PhotoShop....

Ladies... I present to you my BHLDN wedding dress...long and a lovely shade of dream wedding dress...

{try not to laugh...ok, ok....go ahead and laugh... lol}

I even have a BHLDN flower in my hair...

Happy Friday...enjoy your weekend!


Kori said...

Too cute! I love that first dress too, I saw photos of it on Pinterest. Kori xoxo

Marian said...

Awww, I love this!! Happy Friday

Tailgates & Tanlines said...

I too love the first dress! Have a wonderful weekend!

Unknown said...

Good morning from Tokyo!

I'm so glad to have found your blog. As southern expatriates who used to live in Charlotte, NC, it's always great to meet another Carolina gal.

I just love this dress! The delicate, vintage feel is so extraordinary. I bet you'd look stunning in it!

A lovely day to you and yours...



Mimi said...

awww, it's beautiful! :D

<3, Mimi

Megan said...

Oh my gosh!! So glad I found your blog! This made me a good way!! I love the vintage look of that dress!

ali v. said...

heavenlyyyyyyyyyy. that's all I have to say. love the short dress--and totally think it would be rehearsal dinner appropriate :) and the long-sleeved look = divine! so happy you linked up...hope you'll join in again soon, my dear! xoox {av}

Anonymous said...

As Rachel Zoe would say, "I die"!

shari said...

I think you look great in it! I get the BHLDN emails, and I am waiting on pins and needles for the great unveiling.... very exciting!

Miss Chelsea said...

Haha! I love the lace overlay on that dress, it's so pretty

Anonymous said...

You know what!!! I'm buying this dress for my wedding in October and i had in mind the same long dress as you do!.. but i definitely like the nude color.